What are the three main SEO techniques?

SEO techniques

SEO techniques allow you to improve the natural referencing of your website. These are actions that ensure both good indexing of your web pages as well as optimal positioning. Among all the SEO techniques, three of them represent the main levers for acquiring qualified traffic as part of your SEO strategy.

You will find them below.

1st SEO technique : content optimization

Optimizing the editorial content present on the pages of your website is one of the most important SEO techniques , if not the most important.

During a question-and-answer session on the occasion of the presentation of RankBrain by Google , Andrey Lipattsev , Search Quality Senior Strategist for the search engine, notably cited it first among the criteria which define search results.

It is in fact the content that indicates to search engines the subject of each page of a website.

But be careful, search engines are equipped with artificial intelligence which can detect fraudulent and low-quality content. You must therefore exclude from your site all content optimized only for search engines.

To meet both SEO needs and Internet users’ expectations, content optimization requires real writing skills. A web editor can help you carry out this task brilliantly.

2nd SEO technique: external linking or netlinking

Netlinking is a strategy for exchanging and collecting links ( backlinks) between several websites .

This SEO technique allows you to increase the relevance index of a search engine in relation to your website. The more quality links a site receives, the higher its notoriety and relevance.

What are they talking about in their own content?

In order to acquire links to your site, you have the option of doing it naturally. That is to say, let other sites come to you over time and thanks to the quality of your content. This SEO technique is called linkbaiting and it is the one to favor.

Otherwise, you can begin a proactive process of searching for backlinks , with link exchanges or the creation of sponsored links.

đŸ’¡Concerning the exchange of links, non-reciprocal exchanges should be favored . You also need links located as high as possible in the text content.

3rd SEO technique: Google Rankbrain and keywords

RankBrain is an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm used by Google to sort search results .

RankBrain refines Google’s algorithm itself and thus allows the search engine to better process and understand Internet users’ queries by having part of its code automated.

The main objective of RankBrain is to better understand the meaning of keywords in the content of websites. It also analyzes the search queries and search intentions of the Internet user. RankBrain is also capable of measuring search engine user satisfaction.

One of the main SEO techniques then consists of targeting your keywords for each of the pages of your website to be referenced . You must, in fact, choose your keywords carefully using different strategies, but also avoid using keywords that are too different on the same page.

This natural referencing technique involves a lot of work and therefore represents a large investment. This investment will, however, be largely rewarded by the increase in the level of traffic generated.

To make these SEO techniques effective and sustainable over time, you must first ensure that the technical base of your site complies with Google’s recommendations.

Do not hesitate to carry out a technical audit of your website before embarking on an SEO campaign. Only an SEO friendly site will allow you to achieve your objectives!

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